One of the most significant challenges for a leader is familiarity. How familiar do you allow people to be with you? How close do you let people get to you? Improper positions in relationships can stifle the blessings and miracles in your life and ministry. In this...
The Hope Quotient
What kind of life do you want to live? Are you going to be a wrecking ball in the church or a builder? Are you going to take the time to discover your gifts and talents and hone your skills and sharpen the ax so you can be a builder with excellence and take your...
Bobby Davis Testimonial
Pastor Bobby Davis of Life Church in Cookeville, TN, a town of roughly 30,000 people, was running around 2,500 people on Sunday mornings just 3 years ago; they are now running over 4,000. See what Pastor Bobby Davis is saying about the coaching and consulting services...
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