An Optimistic Outlook

Merriam-Webster defines opposition as an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions or events or to anticipate the best possible outcome. This does not mean that optimistic people will repeatedly face positive situations. In fact, quite the...


Are you comfortable and confident with who you are as an individual and as a leader? Many times, instead of learning from successful people who have gone before us, we instead emulate them as individuals. While it is important to learn from other leaders, we can’t get...

Pain… Your Best Friend?

Our innate response is fight or flight when we experience a fearful, stressful, or painful situation. It is only natural to try to avoid all forms of pain. However, as leaders, we can’t let this be our mentality. Instead, we need to understand that pain is a reality...

Tough Love

When people are going through difficult situations in their lives – whatever it may be – it is customary for us as leaders to be there for them. Whether this is showing up to an event, giving them a phone call, or making the time to sit down and talk with them one on...