An Optimistic Outlook

Merriam-Webster defines opposition as an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions or events or to anticipate the best possible outcome. This does not mean that optimistic people will repeatedly face positive...

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Are you comfortable and confident with who you are as an individual and as a leader? Many times, instead of learning from successful people who have gone before us, we instead emulate them as individuals. While it is important to learn...

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Pain… Your Best Friend?

Our innate response is fight or flight when we experience a fearful, stressful, or painful situation. It is only natural to try to avoid all forms of pain. However, as leaders, we can’t let this be our mentality. Instead, we need to...

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Tough Love

When people are going through difficult situations in their lives – whatever it may be – it is customary for us as leaders to be there for them. Whether this is showing up to an event, giving them a phone call, or making the time to sit...

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A Leadership Mindset

What is your mindset regarding the accomplishment of your vision? It has been said that if your vision is achievable by yourself, then you’re thinking too small. But what does this mean when translated to our leadership? It’s rather...

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Start on the Inside

In our day and age, many are filled with anxiety, confusion, and fear. There are a multitude of problems and events that are outside of our control. These situations, if we dwell on them unchecked, can pollute our minds and cause us to be...

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Your Key Responsibility

What is your key responsibility? Is it your role as a leader? Is it your role in ministry? Today, I want to challenge your preconceived notion of what your lead responsibility actually is, it’s not any of the before-listed items, but...

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Empowering vs. Micromanagement

Oftentimes, leaders will helicopter over those they lead. They will nit-pick projects in real-time and not give their staff room to breathe or freedom to create and innovate. Even worse, leaders like this sometimes believe they are...

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Deeper Introspection

As leaders, it is essential we introspect. We need to consistently analyze our mindset, our methods, and all we do organizationally to ensure it stays efficient, effective, and thriving. If we aren’t intentional in introspection, we’ll...

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Something to Prove

What is the motivation behind your leadership? Are you seeking job security? Approval from your peers? Are you trying to prove something? When we let our leadership be driven by shadow motives – whether we’re aware of them or not – they...

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Maury Davis Ministries
PO Box 328
Old Hickory, TN 37138