The world is a crazy place. Morals are shifting, sliding, and evaporating altogether. In the world we live in, things are changing fast. In a world full of change, we must be sure we have a consistent truth. God’s truth never changes! He is constant, and so is His Word—we can look to it no matter what is going on around us and have confidence in its truth! We must be intentional to root our lives in God’s truth, and stay rooted no matter what!
If we aren’t rooted in God’s Word, the world is sure to change us. Just as the Bible says, the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. This is his goal. When we aren’t rooting ourselves in God’s truth, we aren’t protecting ourselves from the attacks of the enemy, and are thus leaving ourselves vulnerable to all of his attacks.
When we do root ourselves and are intentional about growing our faith and in our relationship with God, He protects us! He comforts, provides, and protects us from all attacks! If we don’t know His promises, truth, and Word though, we won’t be able to fully utilize God’s protection from the enemy. We must be intentional about staying rooted in His Word!
In conclusion, amidst a world that is filled with change, sin, and evil, we must stay close to God. We must stay rooted in His truth and do our best to spread this light to those around us. We must strive to be an effective display of Christ’s love, and no matter what happens, strive to not compromise on any biblical truths!
Good Word for today!
Thank you